Ep#7: Peek Behind The Curtain- The Queen of England


Queen Elizabeth II has had a significant impact and influence on the world stage. Throughout her reign, she has shown unwavering dedication and grace and has been influential. Reggie Selma, a former cameraman from CNN, shared his experience during the Queen’s visit to the White House, giving us unique insights into the charm and humor of such formal events. Through the story, we can learn valuable lessons from this occasion.

Balancing Formality and Friendship

Events like the welcoming ceremony on the White House’s South Lawn, attended by the Queen, President George H.W. Bush, First Lady Barbara Bush, and global media personnel, are very important as they represent strong alliances and diplomacy. But it’s also important to remember the warmth, friendship, and human connections that can happen in formal settings. Building these relationships lays a foundation for better understanding and cooperation between countries.

Adaptability and Poise in Difficult Situations

During the Queen’s speech, there was an unexpected problem – the podium was too high, so she was barely visible to the audience. Instead of getting upset, Queen Elizabeth II showed adaptability and composure by continuing her speech behind the elevated podium. Her calmness and the distinctive purple hat she wore captured the audience’s attention. This reminds us of the value of staying composed and adapting to unexpected challenges. It shows how displaying these qualities can leave a lasting impression on others.

Respecting Boundaries with Sensitivity

When faced with the problem of the high podium, President Bush chose not to intervene and adjust it. This shows the importance of being sensitive to others’ boundaries and respecting their dignity. Even in uncertain situations, treating others with respect and dignity is essential. By learning from this example, we can better navigate complex social situations and aim to preserve the respect and honor of those involved.

Shared Experiences: Bringing People Together

As the Queen continued her speech, the media crew shared a unique sense of camaraderie. They all experienced the same problem and had a special moment together. Overcoming unexpected challenges as a group can unite people, regardless of their differences, and foster solidarity. Embracing these shared experiences encourages us to see our common humanity and build deeper connections.

Embracing Humor and Light-hearted Moments

After the event, some people, like Reggie, found humor in the situation, while others expressed frustration and apologized. Recognizing the unexpected and light-hearted aspects of such events can relieve tension and create lasting memories that everyone shares. It also teaches us the value of maintaining a positive perspective, even during difficult situations.


The Queen’s unforgettable “Purple Hat Speech” represents the unwavering human spirit, showcasing the qualities of being adaptable and graceful and embracing those special moments during formal events. This enlightening experience teaches us valuable lessons that can strengthen our relationships with others and impact our lives. The Queen’s visit to the White House exemplifies resilience, respect, and unity, providing profound insights on how to create a more caring, empathetic, and connected world.

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