Ep. #14 Peek Behind The Curtain – Nelson Mandela


Nelson Mandela, the renowned anti-apartheid activist and former South African president left an indelible mark on the world with his fight for equal rights. During his visit to the United States,  former CNN photojournalist Reggie Selma had a profound encounter with Mandela that taught him an important lesson about empowerment. In this article, we will delve into Selma’s experience and the general sense of empowerment that can be derived from this story.

Reggie Selma’s Experience

Reggie Selma had the privilege of filming Nelson Mandela’s events in Washington, DC. He witnessed Mandela’s powerful speech at the Library of Congress and was captivated by the historical significance of the venue. The following day, Selma attended a press conference at the South African embassy, where Mandela’s presence resonated deeply due to the location’s history of protests demanding his release from prison.

The Autograph Incident

During the press conference, Selma had a plan to ask Nelson Mandela for his autograph, cherishing the opportunity to have a personal memento. However, his request was met with a young PR person’s intervention, citing their tight schedule as a reason for declining autographs. Selma was initially disappointed, but Mandela, with wisdom and grace, explained that he respected the authority of the young woman, saving Selma from voicing his frustration.

Understanding Empowerment

Reflecting on the autograph incident, Selma gained a deeper understanding of empowerment. He realized that the young PR person was simply doing her job, making decisions on behalf of Mandela’s schedule. This experience taught Selma the importance of trusting others to carry out their responsibilities and recognizing their capabilities. As Nelson Mandela exemplifies, empowerment involves creating an environment where individuals feel valued and motivated to excel in their roles.

Nelson Mandela’s Legacy

Nelson Mandela’s legacy is rooted in his leadership style, which revolved around empowering others. Throughout his life, he demonstrated the power of trusting individuals to fulfill their tasks effectively. By recognizing the capabilities of those around him, Mandela fostered an environment of mutual respect and motivation. His enduring legacy serves as an inspiration for us all to empower others and create positive change.

The Ripple Effect of Empowerment

Empowerment has a ripple effect that extends beyond individuals. When empowered, individuals become more motivated, creative, and engaged in their work. This not only benefits them personally but also has a positive impact on their communities and organizations. Empowered individuals are more likely to collaborate, share ideas, and contribute to the greater good. The ripple effect of empowerment can create a chain reaction of positive change, transforming lives and societies.


In conclusion, Reggie Selma’s encounter with Nelson Mandela taught him a valuable lesson in empowerment. The autograph incident highlighted the importance of trusting and allowing others to fulfill their roles. Nelson Mandela’s leadership and enduring legacy remind us of the profound impact that empowerment can have in achieving remarkable outcomes. Let us strive to create environments where individuals feel empowered to excel and contribute their unique abilities, just as Nelson Mandela did throughout his remarkable life.

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