Ep.# 16 Former 2nd Lady of Pennsylvania, Gisele Barreto Fetterman interview


Gisele Barretto Fetterman’s life story is one that inspires and teaches us about resilience, determination, and the power of promoting inclusion. Her journey from Brazil to America highlights the challenges faced by immigrants and the importance of breaking the cycle of hate. Let’s delve into her extraordinary story and the valuable lessons it offers.

From Brazil to America: The Journey Begins

Gisele’s story begins in Brazil, where her mother made the courageous decision to leave due to violence and inequality. They embarked on a journey to the United States, settling in diverse communities in New York City and New Jersey. Gisele’s early experiences in these vibrant environments shaped her perspective and prepared her for the challenges ahead.

Living in the Shadows: The Undocumented Years

For almost 15 years, Gisele lived in the shadows as an undocumented immigrant. Every day brought fears and uncertainties, but her resilience and determination never wavered. She defied the odds and persevered, seeking opportunities to contribute to society despite the limitations placed upon her.

Embracing the American Dream

Gisele’s commitment to education and her desire to pursue the American Dream led her to become a Dreamer. The DACA program provided her with opportunities to continue her education and make positive contributions to her community. Gisele’s journey showcases the importance of supporting programs that empower young immigrants and enable them to reach their full potential. Her husband,John, had a stroke while campaining for senate office. After becoming a U. S. senator, John publicly admitted to suffering from depression. Gisele has since spoken out, almost becoming an advocate, for others to seek help regarding their mental health.

Love, Bridges, and Braddock

Fate intervened in Gisele’s life when her love for the Brooklyn Bridge led her to Braddock, Pennsylvania. This small town became the backdrop for her impactful community work. Gisele’s passion for revitalizing Braddock and addressing food justice issues led to the creation of the Free Store, which provides essential resources to those in need. 

Confronting Hate

Sadly, Gisele’s journey wasn’t without its challenges. She encountered an incident of hate in a local supermarket, where she was subjected to racial slurs and hate speech. Rather than seeking vengeance, Gisele chose to respond with compassion and use the incident as an opportunity for education. Her strength and grace in the face of adversity serve as a powerful example for us all.

Lessons in Inclusion and Breaking the Cycle

Gisele’s story compels us to reflect on our own actions and attitudes. We must actively unlearn hatred and stereotypes, replacing them with empathy and understanding. Promoting inclusivity means creating spaces where everyone feels valued and respected. We can build a more compassionate society by breaking the hate cycle and embracing diversity.


Gisele Barretto Fetterman’s journey from an immigrant child to the second lady of Pennsylvania serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her story reminds us of the importance of embracing diversity, promoting inclusion, and standing up against hate. Let us learn from her experiences and strive to create a world where everyone is valued and celebrated. Through Gisele’s example, we are reminded that by fostering understanding and compassion, we can break down barriers and build a brighter future for all.

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