Ep. #9 A Crisis Within a Crisis-Joseph McClendon III Interview


The issue of racism in America persists as an ever-present topic, garnering widespread attention, particularly concerning law enforcement and its interactions with the African American community. In order to comprehend this intricate problem, let’s delve into individual experiences and their profound influence on catalyzing transformative change. Joseph McClendon III, a neuropsychologist and motivational speaker, shares his personal encounters with racism and police brutality with Reggie Selma. By meticulously examining his experiences and extracting invaluable lessons, we can acquire profound insights into the journey of overcoming racism and injustice.

Forgiveness and Self-Healing

Among the profound lessons Joseph imparts from his encounters is the paramount significance of healing our own psychology and cultivating the virtue of forgiveness. While relinquishing the shackles of painful memories and the tribulations associated with racism may prove challenging, embarking on a path of self-healing becomes an essential for moving ahead. The act of forgiveness not only facilitates individual growth and well-being but also contributes to the progression of society at large. By prioritizing personal transformation and nourishing our own resilience, we fortify ourselves to confront the widespread difficulties of racism and injustice directly.

Building Trust and Connection

The rebuilding of trust between law enforcement and African American communities is another pressing matter that necessitates attention and resolution. To stimulate enduring change, fostering solid connections and understanding among different groups of people is crucial. Joseph introduces a compelling concept known as the “50-foot rule,” representing a valuable approach to this complex challenge. By purposefully establishing connections with individuals within a 50-foot radius and silently radiating positive thoughts, we can gradually dismantle barriers and foster a profound sense of unity. As our collective efforts to cultivate trust and empathy flourish, we play an instrumental role in bridging the ever-widening chasm between communities and law enforcement.

Empowering Others and Passing on the Gift of Resilience

Joseph attributes the transformative impact of the book Think and Grow Rich to shaping his mindset and instilling him with the strength to persevere through hard times. Inspired by this literary work’s profound influence on his life, he resolved to dedicate himself to assisting others in overcoming their personal challenges. This notion of “paying it forward” possesses immense power in combating racism and injustice. By sharing our own narratives of resilience and triumph, we empower others to fight for change and navigate the hurdles life presents.

Striving for Wealth in All Aspects of Life

All too often, wealth becomes linked solely to financial stability; however, Joseph advocates for a more comprehensive definition that encompasses health, happiness, and financial abundance. By eagerly pursuing complete well-being and resolute success, we effectively climb the barriers of racism and adverse experiences. Our collective endeavors to achieve happiness and fulfillment generate a society that cherishes the contributions of all individuals, irrespective of their diverse backgrounds, thereby fostering a culture of inclusivity.


Joseph McClendon III personal encounters with racism and police brutality illuminate the ongoing struggle for equality and justice. By embracing forgiveness, self-healing, fostering connections, empowering others, and relentlessly pursuing overall well-being, we work to develop the fabric of enduring change. The road to overcoming racism and injustice may be long and difficult, but by incorporating the wisdom gained from individual experiences and adopting a proactive stance in addressing these pressing matters, we can construct a society that is more equitable and just for all.

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