Ep #48 : Charlotte Laws, A Dedicated Mom’s Fight Against Revenge Porn: A Story of Empowerment


In the vast landscape of the internet, stories of resilience and triumph emerge, showcasing the strength of the human spirit against adversity. One such compelling narrative is that of Dr. Charlotte Laws, a woman who faced the harrowing challenge of dealing with revenge porn, a malicious act that invaded her daughter’s  privacy.

In this blog, we unravel the layers of Dr. Laws’ journey – a suburban family, living a normal life, suddenly thrust into the chaos of cyber exploitation. What sets her story apart is not just the ordeal but the unwavering spirit with which she confronted it. Recounting the incident where her daughter became a victim of Hunter Moore’s revenge porn website, Dr. Laws confronted societal stereotypes reminiscent of victim-blaming. Drawing parallels to historical narratives, she questioned the absurdity of blaming the victim rather than holding the criminal accountable.

The blog will delve into the unexpected allies who came to Dr. Laws’ aid, including the intervention of the infamous group, Anonymous. We explore the concept of white hat hackers turning protectors, demonstrating the positive impact technology can have in the face of online abuse. As we continue this journey through Dr. Laws’ battle against revenge porn, we aim to inspire and educate, shedding light on the strength that arises when faced with adversity. Stay tuned for more empowering insights into her fight for justice.

How did Dr. Charlotte Laws handle the aftermath of her daughter’s pictures being posted online?

Dr. Charlotte Laws, a determined advocate against revenge porn, faced adversity head-on when her daughter fell victim to Hunter Moore’s website. Instead of succumbing to victim-blaming, Dr. Laws questioned societal norms and engaged in a legal battle. With her husband’s intervention and the support of unexpected allies like Anonymous, they successfully took down the pictures. Dr. Laws’ resilience in the face of adversity reflects her commitment to justice and protection against online exploitation.

Who are Anonymous, and how did they assist Dr. Charlotte Laws in her fight against revenge porn?

Anonymous, the notorious collective of white hat hackers, played a crucial role in Dr. Laws’ battle against Hunter Moore. Faced with a wave of backlash from Moore’s followers, Anonymous reached out to Dr. Laws, promising protection. True to their word, they exposed Hunter Moore, revealing his personal information and even declaring him “dead” in the system. Anonymous’ intervention silenced Moore, highlighting the potential positive impact of tech-savvy allies in combating cyber exploitation.

Unveiling the Brave Fight Against Cyber Exploitation: Dr. Charlotte Laws’ Inspiring Journey

In the vast realm of the internet, where anonymity often breeds cruelty, Dr. Charlotte Laws emerged as a relentless crusader against cyber exploitation. Her poignant saga began when her daughter became a victim of Hunter Moore’s infamous revenge porn website. What transpired was not only a personal ordeal but a catalyst for Dr. Laws’ unwavering commitment to combating online injustice.

Facing Victim-Blaming Head-On

The aftermath of her daughter’s pictures being posted online could have plunged Dr. Laws into despair. However, instead of succumbing to societal norms and victim-blaming rhetoric, she challenged the narrative. Drawing parallels to archaic questions posed to victims of sexual abuse, she questioned the absurdity of blaming the target instead of holding the perpetrator accountable. It was a bold stance that set the tone for her resilient journey.

Legal Battles and Unexpected Alliances

Equipped with a tenacious spirit, Dr. Laws embarked on a legal battle against Hunter Moore. The attorney representing Moore initially dismissed her concerns, but her husband’s decisive intervention changed the course of the fight. A firm ultimatum led to the removal of her daughter’s pictures within a mere 30 minutes. While this victory was significant, numerous other victims still grappled with the aftermath.

The turning point arrived with an unexpected ally – Anonymous. This notorious collective of white hat hackers, infamous for their clandestine operations, reached out to Dr. Laws. In the face of relentless backlash from Moore’s followers, Anonymous vowed to protect her. True to their word, they executed a cyber onslaught against Moore, doxing him and even orchestrating a symbolic “death” in the California system. Hunter Moore, once a vocal perpetrator, fell into a conspicuous silence.

The Power of Resilience and Genetic Heritage

Dr. Laws attributes her strength to a belief in the power of genetics. Adopted at birth, she reconnected with her birth family and discovered a legacy of resilience. Her Italian grandfather, a victim of racial discrimination, fought against adversity to become a lawyer and a congressional candidate. Dr. Laws sees herself as a torchbearer, carrying the spirit of her ancestors forward.

Inspiration in Ordinary Life

What makes Dr. Laws’ journey truly inspirational is its rootedness in everyday life. A suburban family navigating the complexities of the digital age, they found themselves thrust into a battle against online exploitation. Driven by a refusal to be victims and a commitment to justice, they transformed an ordinary narrative into an extraordinary testament of resilience.

The Menace of Deepfake Technology

In the era of rapid technological advancement, deepfake technology has emerged as a potent weapon in the arsenal of cyber exploitation. Deepfakes, realistic but fabricated audio or video recordings, have become a looming threat, particularly for women. One disturbing trend is the proliferation of deep fake pornography, where women’s faces are superimposed onto explicit content without their consent. This insidious practice not only violates their privacy and dignity but also exposes them to widespread harassment and reputational damage. Dr. Laws’ battle against cyber exploitation highlights the urgent need to address the proliferation of deepfake technology and safeguard individuals, especially women, from its malicious repercussions.

A Champion Against Revenge Porn

Dr. Laws’ unwavering commitment to justice and compassion extends far beyond her own daughter’s ordeal. Not only did she tirelessly fight to remove her daughter’s photos from Hunter Moore’s website, but she also extended her hand to help nearly 800 other victims of revenge porn. In many instances, Dr. Laws was the first beacon of hope for these individuals, some of whom were contemplating suicide due to the trauma inflicted upon them. Dr. Laws’ dedication to advocating for victims of revenge porn has had a profound impact on legislative change. Through her relentless efforts, she has played a pivotal role in the establishment of revenge porn laws in 48 out of 50 states in America. Her advocacy has not only provided legal protection to countless individuals but has also raised awareness about the devastating consequences of online exploitation.

In the face of adversity, Dr. Laws’ courage shines brightly as she continues to be a formidable force against cyber exploitation. Her willingness to confront societal norms and challenge injustices has inspired many to stand up and fight for the rights of victims. Dr. Laws’ legacy serves as a beacon of hope for those who have endured similar hardships, reminding them that they are not alone and that there is always a path to justice and healing.

Connect with Dr. Laws

For those inspired by Dr. Laws’ story and wishing to offer support or learn more, she is accessible on social media platforms. Follow her on Twitter at @CharlotteLaws and on Instagram at @Dr.CharlotteLaws. Join the conversation, be part of the movement, and stand against cyber exploitation.


1. How did Dr. Charlotte Laws’ husband play a role in the fight against Hunter Moore?

Dr. Charlotte Laws’ husband played a pivotal role by intervening directly with Hunter Moore’s attorney. Frustrated by the lack of progress and the attorney’s dismissive attitude, he issued an ultimatum – if the explicit content featuring their daughter was not taken down within 30 minutes, they would take legal action. This bold move led to the swift removal of the content, marking a significant victory in their battle against cyber exploitation.

Final Thoughts:

In the face of adversity, Dr. Laws’ resilience and determination shine as a beacon of inspiration. Her battle against Hunter Moore’s cyber exploitation empire not only protected her daughter but also sparked a broader conversation about the grave consequences of online harassment. Dr. Laws’ family, seemingly leading a typical suburban life, found themselves thrust into a nightmarish situation. However, their refusal to succumb to victimhood transformed them into fierce advocates for justice. The swift intervention of Dr. Laws’ husband, backed by the resolve inherited from her ancestors, exemplifies the strength that resides within individuals when faced with the unjust. This saga serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by the digital age, where privacy can be violated, and lives disrupted with just a click. Dr. Laws’ story is not merely a personal triumph but a rallying cry for the urgent need to address cyber exploitation and strengthen legal measures to protect individuals from such heinous acts. As we navigate the complex landscape of the internet, her tale encourages us to stand united against online predators and champion the rights of those who find themselves ensnared in the web of cyber threats.

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