Ep. #13 One of the Country’s Top Immigration Attorneys: An Interview with Sarah Peterson


We often find our lives shaped by experiences and events, sometimes big, sometimes small. These moments can influence the direction of our lives and mold our perceptions of the world around us. One such story is of a small-town girl, Sarah Peterson, who grew up in a non-diverse community and was exposed to an anti-immigrant video as a child. Later, she had the opportunity to travel and witness first-hand the lives of people living in impoverished conditions. These experiences facilitated her journey to become an immigration lawyer, fighting for those who simply want a better life.

Embracing Diversity: Early Life Experiences and Influences

Early life experiences and exposure to different perspectives often shape our beliefs and values. A small-town girl with little diversity in her community became an advocate for immigrants due to two life-changing events. First, witnessing an anti-immigrant video depicting immigrants as a burden on resources, and second, traveling and observing the lives of people in impoverished conditions. These experiences facilitated her journey to become an immigration lawyer, fighting for those who simply want a better life.

Breaking Barriers and Debunking Myths About Immigrants

Challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about immigrants help create a more inclusive and understanding society. One common myth is that immigrants do not pay taxes and burden the economy. However, studies have shown that immigrants, both documented and undocumented, contribute significantly more to taxes than they receive in public benefits. Acknowledging and promoting these facts dispels unfounded fears and fosters a sense of unity.

The Importance of Understanding and Addressing Root Causes of Migration

To effectively address the issue of migration and create long-lasting solutions, it is essential to identify and tackle the root causes forcing people to leave their homes. By providing support and assistance to countries facing economic hardship and violence, we help create safer environments for people to thrive. A global approach, rather than an isolationist mentality, is necessary for achieving sustainable outcomes.

Dreamers: A Success Story Illustrating the Potential for Positive Change

The Dreamers program is a testament to the positive contributions immigrants can make when given the opportunity. These young, motivated individuals have pursued higher education, excelled in their chosen careers, and become vital members of society. By recognizing their achievements and supporting their aspirations, we can begin to shift the narrative around immigration, fostering a more compassionate and understanding mindset.


The stories and experiences of immigration lawyers, physicians, and Dreamers remind us of the importance of empathy and understanding in our approach to immigration. We can create a more inclusive and supportive society by embracing diversity and challenging misconceptions. There is no easy solution to the complex issues of migration. However, through open dialogue and collaboration, we can work toward long-lasting change and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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