Ep. #12 One Of The Country’s Top Police Officials: Interview with Chief of Police-Peter Newsham


In recent years, the crisis of trust between the African American community and police departments has reached alarming levels. The endless number of deadly encounters between law enforcement and individuals from this community has eroded faith in the system and sparked widespread unrest. Today, we welcome Colonel Peter Newsham, the commanding officer of the Prince William County Police Department, to shed light on this pressing issue and discuss ways we can work together to address it.

 Challenges Faced by Policing

The year 2020 will be forever etched in our collective memory due to the events that unfolded. The murder of George Floyd on May 25 became a catalyst for nationwide protests and unrest. However, this was not the first time we witnessed such outcry over police-involved deaths. The African American community, and society as a whole, has grown weary of witnessing such incidents. In response, Chief Newsham stresses the importance of fair, unbiased, and constitutional policing.

 The Importance of Integrity in Policing

Integrity serves as the foundation for public trust in law enforcement. To rebuild the bridge between communities and the police, every officer must embody integrity in their actions. Newsham insists on hiring individuals with a service-minded approach, genuine care for the community, and unwavering respect for all individuals. This serves as a crucial step towards restoring trust and dispelling the negative perception of law enforcement.

Building Trust and Improving Policing

Trust can only be rebuilt through concrete actions. Newsham sets forth a clear message to his officers and professional staff: excessive use of force and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. By holding everyone accountable, the department aims to eliminate behaviors that tarnish the reputation of the entire force. Additionally, the impact of negative public perception on the well-being of police officers cannot be ignored. Efforts are being made to prioritize the wellness of officers and provide them with the support they need to carry out their duties professionally and compassionately.

Training for Effective Policing

Effective training plays a pivotal role in reshaping the police force. De-escalation, implicit bias, and cultural sensitivity training are essential components that equip officers with the necessary skills to navigate diverse communities with empathy and understanding. Scenario-based training, where live actors simulate various situations, allows for the assessment of officers’ de-escalation techniques. The ultimate goal is to ensure the safety of everyone involved in police-community interactions.

Optimism for Positive Change

Amid the challenges, Chief Newsham remains optimistic about the future of policing. He believes that by working collectively, we can foster an environment where all communities accept and respect law enforcement. Honest discussions, open lines of communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement are essential for progress. Through these efforts, we can move towards a society where the tragic incidents we witness today become rare.


Rebuilding the bridge between communities and law enforcement requires a multifaceted approach. Integrity, open communication, and ongoing training are the pillars upon which trust can be rebuilt. As we move ahead, it is crucial to remember that the lessons we learned from these discussions go beyond a single community or department. They serve as a reminder that when we prioritize empathy and professionalism, we can foster a future where every individual feels safe and respected in their interactions with the police. Together, we can create lasting change and build a more trusting society.

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