Ep.# 17 Peek Behind The Curtain – President Ronald Reagan

Finding purpose is a journey that often requires guidance, hope, and inspiration. Stories have the incredible power to move us, spark motivation, and help us discover our true calling. One such story involves Reggie Selma’s remarkable journey with President Reagan, reminding us of the importance of connecting with others and seeking our own path.

Reggie’s Journey with President Reagan

Reggie Selma had the honor of traveling alongside President Reagan throughout his administration. Among the many memories he cherished, one conversation with the President stands out. It took place during the White House Christmas party in Palm Springs, California. This festive event was a chance for the president and the White House Press corps to together socially in an informal off the record setting. 

The White House Christmas Party

Amidst the banquet setting, Reggie patiently waited for the President to enter the room, knowing that his encounter would be significant. The atmosphere shifted as President Reagan stepped in, and the room brimmed with anticipation. Reggie’s plan was to share with the President the wisdom his father imparted to him as a young boy, instilling values that would shape his future.

The Conversation with President Reagan

When the time was right, Reggie approached President Reagan. He introduced himself, brought a sense of fulfillment to his late father’s words. President Reagan, known for his warm smile and genuine interest in others, was touched by Reggie’s story. He acknowledged Reggie’s father and recognized the fulfillment of his prediction. At that moment, Reggie felt a profound connection between his father’s words and the path he had walked.

The Power of Shared Stories

The story between Reggie Selma and President Reagan exemplifies the transformative power of shared experiences and stories. We create bonds that transcend time and place when we open ourselves up and connect with others through personal narratives. Stories have the unique ability to validate our experiences, boost our confidence, and ignite hope within us.

Impactful Connections

Sharing stories allows us to form emotional connections. We find solace in knowing that others have faced similar challenges and triumphs. In Reggie’s case, the acknowledgment from President Reagan validated his journey. It brought a sense of fulfillment to both him and his father. These connections remind us that we are not alone and inspire us to embrace our own potential.

Discovering Purpose

Finding purpose is a deeply personal endeavor. It involves introspection, exploration, and a willingness to follow our passions and dreams. Reggie’s story encourages us to reflect on our own life experiences and seek inspiration in unexpected places.

Importance of Purpose Exploration

Discovering our purpose brings meaning and fulfillment to our lives. It provides a sense of direction and fuels our motivation. Whether through personal anecdotes or the experiences of others, we can find the inspiration needed to embark on our own purpose-driven journey.

Tips for Discovering Purpose

To uncover our true purpose, we can self-reflect, explore our passions, and take steps toward our goals. By delving into our interests, aligning our values, and seeking opportunities that align with our purpose, we can navigate a path that brings us joy and a profound sense of meaning.


Reggie Selma’s encounter with President Reagan reminds us of the power of shared stories. It encourages us to seek our own purpose in life. Stories have a way of connecting us, validating our experiences, and inspiring us to take action. As we navigate our individual journeys, let us remain open to the stories of others and find the inspiration and guidance we need to fulfill our own dreams. Remember, within each of us lies the potential to walk with presidents, kings, and queens, shaping our destiny and positively impacting the world around us.

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