Ep#6: Peek Behind The Curtain- The Dalai Lama Story


There are times in life when we are reminded that even the most accomplished people among us are still only human. These moments often come from the most unlikely encounters, allowing us to understand humility’s true meaning. We can learn from one of our encounters with the Dalai Lama that, regardless of where we stand, we are all equal at the end of the day. In this blog, we are going to discuss the priceless humility lesson we can learn away from an unreal encounter with the Dalai Lama and how it can be applied to our daily lives.

The Importance of Remaining Humble

In the world where we live, it is very easy to get caught up with our achievements, social status, and constant success. However, true greatness can only come from recognizing our shared humanity and treating everyone with kindness and humility. Remaining humble can help us create a space for growth and empathy toward others.

As we can learn from the story of Reggie’s interaction with the Dalai Lama, even the most admired people worldwide can have relatable moments of humanity. During a filming session in Washington, DC, the Dalai Lama, a spiritual leader known for his wisdom and compassion, asked a seemingly profound question, “What do you think?” As it turned out, he was not asking some philosophical question but an opinion on his new pair of sneakers. This can teach us that even leaders like the Dalai Lama can relate to life’s simple joys.

The Power of Laughter and Connection

Sharing a laugh with someone you think is extraordinary reminds us of our common shared humanity. In the story of the Dalai Lama, the tension dissipated as His Holiness turned the serious question into a moment of joy, and everyone in the room shared a genuine moment of laughter. This humorous interaction provided a sense of relief in the room and emphasized the importance of not taking ourselves too seriously.

Laughter and lightheartedness can create a sense of connection, allowing us to see others as more approachable and relatable. Embracing these simple yet powerful moments can foster more profound relationships and a greater understanding of the people around us, regardless of their status or accomplishments.

Applying the Lesson to Our Everyday Lives

The Dalai Lama’s advice on humility can be used in many different areas of our lives. Regardless of someone’s past or perceived status, we can approach them with empathy and understanding if we acknowledge and embrace our shared humanity with them. We must keep in mind that everyone has their own challenges, achievements, and worries and that treating people with respect and humility can result in deeper relationships and a more compassionate society.

It is critical to interact with people in a manner that does not include judging them and without having any preconceived notions about their status or background. By doing this, we leave ourselves open to the possibility of deep connections and common experiences, much like the chance encounters with the Dalai Lama over a pair of sneakers.

Recognizing and applauding others’ accomplishments and strengths is another way to live humbly. By recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of those around us, we can create a positive atmosphere and maintain our perspective and sense of reality. Life is not a race; we can cooperate to build a more peaceful and compassionate world by accepting that we are all equal.


The incident involving the Dalai Lama serves as a strong lesson in the value of connection, humor, and humility in our daily lives. Deeper connections, personal development, and a more compassionate world are all possible by acknowledging our shared humanity and treating others with respect and kindness. Take this priceless lesson from the Dalai Lama and try to maintain humility, show kindness to others, and value life’s small but meaningful things.

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