Ep#1: Reggie shares one of his most inspiring moments

Our parents play a vital role in shaping our lives and instilling values that guide us on our journey toward personal and professional success. Their wisdom and support can often be the driving force behind our achievements, providing a strong foundation for us to build upon. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of parental wisdom in shaping our lives through an inspiring story of the legendary Reggie Selma,  former CNN photojournalist who experienced the power of his parents’ guidance first-hand.

The Importance of Parental Wisdom

Parental wisdom is an invaluable asset that can help shape our characters, guide our decisions, and inspire our ambitions. Through their life experiences, our parents provide us with the tools and knowledge we need to navigate our own paths effectively. Reggie’s story serves as a testament to this, as his parents’ guidance and support played a significant role in his journey to becoming CNN’s first African American cameraman assigned to the White House.

The Role of Parents in Inspiring Goals and Dreams

Reggie’s father, a Baptist preacher in Selma, Alabama, offered him a prediction during a conversation when he was 13 years old: “One day, you’re going to walk with presidents, kings, and queens.” These words would later prove prophetic, as Reggie’s career took him to the White House, covering events and news involving presidents, kings, and queens across the globe. This story highlights the power of parents’ belief in their children’s potential, serving as a source of motivation and inspiration.

Support and Guidance Through Life’s Challenges

Throughout our lives, we encounter various challenges and obstacles that can test our resilience and determination. In these moments, the support and guidance of our parents can be crucial in helping us persevere and ultimately overcome these hardships. Reggie’s parents provided him with unwavering support and instilled strong values that guided him throughout his life and career.

The Lasting Impact of Parental Wisdom

The impact of parental wisdom can be felt long after we have grown and embarked on our own journeys. In Reggie’s case, his parents’ teachings continued to guide him throughout his life, influencing his decisions and shaping his character. By cherishing and honoring the wisdom of our parents, we can ensure that their teachings continue to live on within us and guide us towards success.

The Importance of Gratitude and Appreciation

During an encounter with President Ronald Reagan, Reggie took the opportunity to express his gratitude for his parents’ wisdom and share the story of his father’s prediction. The President’s response, “Well, it looks like you fulfilled your father’s dream,” served as a powerful reminder of the influence of parental wisdom. All of us need to appreciate the invaluable role our parents have played in our journey and carry their teachings forward for future generations to benefit from.


Parental wisdom has a profound impact on our lives, providing us with the guidance, support, and motivation necessary to succeed in our personal and professional endeavors. Reggie Selma’s inspiring story serves as a reminder to cherish and honor the teachings of our parents and recognize the power they have in shaping our lives. Let us always remember to appreciate the invaluable role our parents play in our journey and carry their wisdom with us as we forge our paths toward success.

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