Ep.# 18 What The Government Can Do – Rev. Cornell W. Brooks


The persistent problem of police violence against African Americans in the United States calls for urgent attention. As an increasing number of tragic incidents make the news, it is crucial to confront this issue and glean lessons from these stories, working towards a more just and equitable society. In this blog, we will delve into the issue of the treatment of African Americans in the USA.

The National Response: An Awakening to Racial Injustice?

Following the tragic death of George Floyd, millions of people marched in the streets, sparking a worldwide conversation about racial inequality. The Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum beyond the U.S., demonstrating an unparalleled show of unity. While this response signifies progress towards recognizing racial issues, it is essential to maintain the momentum and advocate for meaningful policy changes and reformation in policing practices.

Addressing Systemic Problems in Policing

To effectively challenge police violence, comprehensive policy and cultural shifts within the police force are necessary. This includes banning chokeholds, ending qualified immunity, and restricting the use of military equipment against civilians. By addressing these systemic issues, we can create a safer, more accountable law enforcement system.

Personal Experiences: The Reality of Police Encounters for African Americans

African Americans continue to face a harsh reality when encountering law enforcement. For many, a routine traffic stop would result in fear for their lives, unlike their white counterparts. The disproportionate targeting of African Americans, and their harrowing experiences with the police, further emphasize the urgent need for reform.

The Power of Faith and Hope

Amid the darkness and despair, faith and hope play essential roles in the fight for justice and social change. For many activists, leaders, and individuals impacted by police violence, their belief in God and humanity sustain their efforts. As we work towards a more just society, it’s crucial to hold onto hope and recognize the innate goodness and potential within people.

Highlighting Inspirational Stories of Resistance

Stories of extraordinary resilience and courage, such as The People Versus the Klan, remind us of individuals’ power in confronting injustice. Buelah Mae Donald’s tireless fight against the Ku Klux Klan not only brought her son’s murderers to account but also dismantled one of America’s most notorious hate groups. These stories offer lessons on persistence and the importance of advocating for justice, even in the face of great adversity.

Reforming Other Key Areas

In addition to addressing issues within the police force, continued progress must be made in other areas to reduce the racial disparities that persist in America. This includes reforming the criminal justice system, educational inequality, and economic opportunity gaps. By addressing these issues collectively, we can work towards dismantling systemic racism and ensuring a more equitable society.


As we confront the issue of police violence against African Americans, it is vital to recognize the interconnectedness of personal stories, policy reform, and the power of hope. By learning from the experiences of those who have fought for justice, we can transform tragic stories into catalysts for lasting change. In embracing the lessons learned and moving forward with determination, we can work towards an equitable future where everyone, regardless of race, can live without fearing unjust police encounters. By addressing key areas of inequality and promoting inspiring stories of resistance, we can foster hope, resilience, and enduring progress for a more just and inclusive society.

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