Ep#3: Words Can Make or Break Us


The impact of inspiration and encouragement on personal and professional growth cannot be overstated. A prime example is the story of Reggie Selma, legendary former CNN photojournalist who achieved great heights and inspired others through his actions. In this blog, we will discuss the power of inspiration, the importance of mentorship, and the role of educational institutions in fostering growth and success.

Recognizing Potential in Others

A key aspect of being an inspirational leader or mentor is recognizing the potential in others. Identifying their strengths, passions, and talents allows us to provide guidance and support, helping them achieve their goals. Even a simple conversation or act of encouragement can have a lasting effect on someone’s life – as demonstrated by Reggie Selma’s experience with a fellow student at Miles College.

The Role of Educational Institutions in Fostering Inspiration

Educational institutions like Miles College play a crucial role in creating an environment that fosters personal and professional development. By providing opportunities for mentorship and guidance, colleges and universities can inspire their students to achieve success. In Reggie’s scenario, the nurturing environment at Miles College allowed him to exchange ideas and encouragement that helped him towards a successful career and enabled him to inspire others around him.

Real-Life Examples of Inspiration and Encouragement

There are many examples of people who have achieved great success due to the inspiration and encouragement they received from others. People inspire others when someone inspires them in their lives. Stories like Reggie’s serve as a reminder of the lasting impact that a simple conversation or act of support can have on someone’s life. By sharing our experiences and lessons that we learned, we can inspire others to pursue their dreams and overcome challenges in their own journey.

Becoming an Inspirational Leader or Mentor

To be an inspirational leader or mentor, it’s essential to recognize the potential in others and provide the support they need to grow. Here are some tips to help you become a source of inspiration for those around you:

  • Share your own experiences and lessons to offer valuable insights and guidance.
  • Recognize the strengths and passions of others and encourage them to focus on their goals.
  • Create a supportive environment that helps personal and professional development.

The Lasting Impact of Inspiration

As Reggie discussed in his story, the very first time someone told him he inspired them, it was a profound moment for him. The realization that his actions and words had encouraged others to strive for success is a testament to the power of inspiration. It is essential to remember that our actions, words, and support can leave a lasting impact on the lives of others.


The power of inspiration can truly shape the lives of others. By acknowledging the potential in others and offering encouragement and support, we can foster growth and success for those around us. Whether it’s sharing our own experiences or providing mentorship within educational institutions like Miles College, our actions can leave a lasting impact on the lives of others. Let us strive to inspire and uplift others and create a ripple effect that will empower the next generation to achieve their dreams.

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